AIARE 1 tours in Washington Gulch

CB Avalanche Center2018-19 Observations

Location: Crested Butte Area
Date of Observation: 01/27/2019
Name: Casey Graham

Subject: AIARE 1 tours in Washington Gulch
Aspect: North East, East, South East
Elevation: 10, 800


Peak west of Painter boy mine, E face on the south end of the ridge. PS, R1 D2~300ft. crown, ran ~300ft, E facing slope.

Weather: Mod. W winds, Broken sky, no precip., cold temps most of the day with a high of -2degC

Snowpack: Coney’s Crews – Avalanche observed above TL on peak west of painter boy mine. PS size 2 ~300ft. crown, ran ~300ft, E facing slope. Wind loading observed on NE aspects BTL

Pit dug near Ridgeline in Coney’s – 10,800PS found over early season facets. NE aspect, near tree-line, 26 deg. slope angle, HS-138, layer of concern: buried facets down 75cm. CTN x2

Snodgrass: Pit dug ESE, 10,800ft, 12 deg slope angle, HS 115, CTN x2 ECTX