Date: 03/09/2018
High clouds started increasing yesterday afternoon and have settled in overnight. With westerly winds steady in the 10 to 20mph range. Today will be interesting, not in the sense of pow, unfortunately, but as the Sun, clouds and high temperatures all jokey for a position. Cloud cover will move between partly to mostly cloudy sky from high clouds and increase in the afternoon. While temperatures are also forecasted to increase from yesterdays highs. Will the sun break through the clouds and create some green housing and help warm frozen snow surfaces, we will see. A low-pressure system is passing north and east of Colorado over the next 36 hours and bringing us this cloudy sky. New snow amounts, if any, during this period don’t look like much. Then the high-pressure ridge sides a bit further east and puts us back in the high and dry category for the end of the weekend into the start of next week.
High Temperature: 32 to 36
Winds/Direction: 10 to 20 West
Sky Cover: Mostly Cloudy
Irwin Snow: 0
Elkton Snow: 0
Friend’s Hut Snow: 0 -
Low Temperature: 20
Winds/Direction: 5 to 15, West
Sky Cover: Mostly Cloudy
Irwin Snow: 0 to 1
Elkton Snow: 0 to 1
Friend’s Hut Snow: 0 to 1 -
High Temperature: 30
Winds/Direction: 10 to 20, Northwest
Sky Cover: Mostly Cloudy
Irwin Snow: 0 to 2
Elkton Snow: 0 to 2
Friend’s Hut Snow: 0 to 2